This is the English version of my odyssey through the menstrual cycle, including my unique perspective and pedagogic metaphors, developed through 12 years of studying and teaching the menstrual cycle and fertility awareness as a Justisse Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner.

The webinar is 2 hours long. If you buy a ticket you can watch the webinar whenever you want. If you are a subscriber on my channel you also get access to all previous webinars. At this point all but this one are in Swedish, but in the future I will redo most of them in English. Buy your ticket for the existing webinar on the Menstrual Cycle in English here:

About the format:

FRÅGELÅDAN (The question box) are my live webinars (always available for replay) on the platform I pick questions from a pot I’m collecting through and give comprehensive, contextualised answers in talks that average 2 hours in length. If you participate live you can ask questions in the comments. There are several subscription plans for different situations (trying to conceive, fixing your hormones, pregnancy etc).


  1. What happens in the body during the menstrual cycle?
  2. What do the words vulva and vagina really mean?
  3. Is the hymen really a thing?
  4. What is the difference between cervical mucus, arousal fluid, vaginal discharge, and female ejaculation?
  5. Should I look for mucus inside or outside of the vagina?
  6. What is the function of the cervix?
  7. What are the similarities between female and male genitalia and fertility? Do men also have cycles?
  8. Is there sperm in the pre-ejaculatory fluid?
  9. Why is fertility important for health?
  10. What do the hormones FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone do?
  11. When is day 1 of the menstrual cycle?
  12. What causes irregular cycles?
  13. When does ovulation occur in the cycle?
  14. How long can sperm survive in the vagina/cervix/uterus?
  15. How does fertility awareness work?
  16. How long after conception does the fertilized egg implant in the uterus?
  17. How long is the luteal phase?
  18. Do women also produce testosterone?
  19. Is the ovulation kit (LH-test) a good indicator of ovulation and fertility?
  20. How does estrogen and progesterone affect the mood and the body?
  21. How can I tell if I have a progesterone deficiency?
    – Mucus in the luteal phase
    – PMS
    – Spottings before menstruation
  22. How do I confirm ovulation?
  23. What does the thyroid gland have to do with fertility?
  24. Why does the body temperature change during the cycle?
  25. What temperature range is normal?
  26. Is cervical mucus a proof of ovulation?
  27. Can I predict when ovulation will happen?
  28. Can I get pregnant on my period?
  29. What is cervical mucus?
    – Different kinds of mucus
    – When and where it’s produced
    – What it looks like
  30. What is the peak day, and what is peak type/non-peak type mucus?
  31. I have blood in my mucus, what does that mean?
  32. Are there any safe periods? Is the Rhythm Method an effective method of birth control?
  33. How does diet impact hormonal health? – Cholesterol